
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dragon Scarf Pattern

 I searched Ravelry high and low for a Crocheted  Dragon Scarf pattern but could not find any that I loved. There were lots of adorable knit ones and a huge and detailled crochet one but it was just too big and complicated for what I was after. I wanted something quick and simple. Something that could be completed in an evening while watching trashy tv so I made my own. 
If you come across any errors or ways in which the pattern can be improved feel free to let me know.
Feel free to sell anything you make using this pattern but please do not claim the pattern as your own.

You'll need:
I used 200m of 8ply for the main colour. You might want more if you want your scarf longer.
Scraps of a second contrasting colour for the spine and facial spikes
Safety eyes or black yarn or felt.
3.75mm hook
4.5mm hook
Handfull of stuffing

sc- Single Crochet
dc- Double Crocher
tc- Triple Crochet
sc2inc - sc 2 stitches in the same stitch. Increase made
sc2tog - Sc 2 stitches together. Decrease made
dc2tog - dc 2 stitched together. Decrease made

We're going to start with the dragons head. It's worked in the round. Use the smaller crochet hook.

Round 1: 6sc in a magic ring (6)
Round 2: sc2inc around (12)
Round 3: sc 1, sc2inc, around (18)
Round 4: sc 2, sc2inc, around (24
Round 5, sc 3, sc2inc, around (30)
Round 6: sc around (30)
Round 7: sc around (30)
Round 8: sc 3, sc2tog (24)
Round 9: sc around (24)
Round 10: sc 2, sc2tog (18)
Round  11- 15: sc around
Round 16: sc 2, sc2inc (24)
Round 17: sc around (24)
Round 18: sc 3, sc2inc (30)
Round 19: sc around (30)
Round 20: sc 4, sc2inc (36)
Round 21 - 24: sc around
Round 25: sc 4, sc2tog (30)
Round  26: sc around (30)
Round  27: sc 3, sc2tog (24)
Round 28: sc 2, sc2tog (18)

Stuff and add eyes

Round 29: Now fold the head closed and crochet through 2 stitched at a time. Crochet the head closed using 7 sc stitches.
Round 30: sc around very loosely

Now we're going to start on the scarf. To get the scaley look we're using a mixture of dc and sc. From round 32 make sure that you're doing a dc in the sc of the previous round and a sc in the dc of the previous round. Switch to larger hook and chain 1.

Round 31: Turn, sc in same stitch,dc, sc, dc, sc,dc, sc
Round 32: Chain 2  and turn. dc in same st, sc, dc, sc, dc,sc,dc
Round 33: Chain 1 and turn. sc,dc,sc,dc,sc,dc,sc
Round 34: Chain 2 and turn *dc,sc* in same stitch, sc,dc,sc,dc,sc, *sc,dc* in same stitch
Round  35: Chain 1 and turn, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc
Round  36: Chain 2 and turn, *dc, sc* in same stitch, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc *sc, dc* in same stitch
Round  37: Chain 1 and turn, *sc, dc* in same stitch, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc *dc, sc* in same stitch
Round 38: Chain 2 and turn,*dc,sc* in same stitch, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc *sc, dc* in same stitch

If you want the scarf to be wider add another increasing row or two here

Round 39: Chain 1 and turn, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc
Round 40 Chain 2 and turn, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc

Repeat Rounds 39 and 40 until you reach your desired length. I did 70 rows but you may want yours longer.

Round 100: Chain 1 and turn. sc2tog, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc sc, dc, sc2tog
Round 101: Chain 2 and turn, dc2tog, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc2tog
Round 102: Chain 1 and turn. sc2tog, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc2tog
Round 103: Chain 1 and turn. sc2tog, sc, dc, sc, dc, sc, sc2tog
Round 104 Chain 1 and turn. sc2tog, sc, dc, sc, sc2tog
Round  105: Chain 1 and turn. sc, dc, sc, dc, sc
Round 106: Chain 2 and turn, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc
Round 107: Chain 1 and turn. sc, dc, sc, dc, sc
Round 108: Chain 2 and turn, dc, sc, dc, sc, dc
Round 109: Chain 1 and turn. sc, dc, sc, dc, sc
Round 110: Chain 1 and turn. sc2tog,sc,dc,sc2tog
Round 111: Chain 1 and turn. sc, dc, sc, dc
Round 112: Chain 2 and turn, dc, sc, dc, sc

Repeat rows 111 and 112 7 more times each (so you'll have 14 more rows)

Round 127: Chain 1 and turn. sc, dc, sc, dc
Round 128: Chain 2 and turn, dc2tog
Round 129 - 132: Chain 1 and turn. sc, sc
Round 133: Chain 1 and turn. sc2tog
Round 134: Chain 1 and turn. sc
Fasten off

Spine Spikes
Fold your finished scarf  in half length ways to make easier to see the middle of the dragons back. Using the same colour yarn that you crocheted the dragon and starting at roughly Round 31 of the scarf sc along the centre to the tip of the tail. Fasten off.

Switch to your contrast yarn and join it at the tip on the tail. On mine I did 3 different types of scales; Small, Medium and Large. I did the small ones on the tip of his tail and then I switched to medium and then to the large and then as I got closer to the head I did the medium and finally the small again. In between each spike I slip stitched into 2 stitches. This is important otherwise the spikes will ruffle up and won't be so defined.
Small spike: *sc, hdc, sc* In same stitch
Medium spike:  *hdc, dc, hdc* In same stitch
Larch Spike: *dc, tc, dc* In same stitch. 

For the wings, I use the wing pattern from Elizabeth Mareno's Pokemon Charizard Look-Alike Pattern. The pattern is located about halfway down the page. Make 2 total.

Nose Spike
Round 1: 6sc in magic ring,
Round 2: sc around
Round 3: *sc 1, sc2inc* around
Round 4: sc around
Round 5: sc around
Round 6:sc around
Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing

Head Spikes (make 2)
Round 1: 6sc in magic ring,
Round 2: sc around
Round 3: sc around
Round 4: *sc 1, sc2inc* around
Round 5: sc around
Round  6: *sc 2, sc2inc* around
Round  7: sc around
Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing

Sew the nose spike to the front of your dragons head and head spikes towards the back of his head on each side. Sew the wings to the body. I sewed mine close so that the straight edge was flush with the spinal spikes and the triangle part was attached a little further down the back. Sew in all your loose ends.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pattern Coming Soon..

I'm hoping to have time next week to type this pattern up. She's a real cutie!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sewing Machine Pattern

At this stage the pattern is a rough draft so please excuse any errors. There are a couple of things I want to alter slightly so once I have time I plan to fix it up but I figured if I don't write it up now i'll forget and it'll never happen. I'm going to put some better pictures up soon and hopefully some step by step pictures to make some of the trickier bits easier to understand.

Ch - Chain
Sc - Single Crocher
2sctog - Decrease. Crochet 2 stitches together
2scinc - Increase. Crochet 2 stitches in the next stitch
Sl st - Slip Stitch

Hook & Yarn. Size isn't too important. Just use something that will give you a nice tight finished piece. I used 8ply cotton and a 3.25mm hook. 
Small bit of cardboard or plastic
Sewing machine needle*
Fabric Glue
2 pins*

*Optional. I used them on mine but you could use something else if you'f prefer. 

The main part:
Round 1: Ch 30 and join to form a ring
Round 2:  Sc in each ch (30)
Round 3: 2sctog, sc 28 (29)
Round 4: 2sctog, sc 25, 2sctog (27)
Round 5: sc 25, 2sctog (26)
Round 6: 2sctog, sc 22, 2sctog (24
Round 7: 2sctog, sc 20, 2sctog (22)
Round 8: 2sctog, sc 18, 2sctog (20)
Round 9 - 14: sc around (20)
Round 15: 2scinc, sc 18, 2scinc (22)
Round 16: 2scinc, sc 20, 2scinc (24)
Round 17: 2scinc, sc 22, 2scinc (26)
Round 18: sl st in next st, ch 1, sc in same stitch as ch and then in each stitch around. Don't join!
Round19: Ch 1, turn, sc around
Round 20: Ch 1, turn, sc around
Round 21: Ch 1, turn, sc around
Round 22: Ch 1, turn, sc around
Round 23: Ch 1, turn, sc around
Round 24: sc 9, 2sctog(x4) sc 9
Round 25: sc 6, 2sctog(x5) sc 6
Round 26: sc 4, 2sctog(x4) sc 5
Round 27: Ch 3. Join to first stitch on other side of the gap.
Round 28: Sc around. sc 2 stitches in the ch from previous row

Now we're going to crochet along the sides of the stitches from the previous rows. I'll pop some pictures up when I have time to make another to make it easier to understand but if you look in the picture above you'll see that the stitches go vertical and then in the little section where the machine top attaches to the base the stitches are horizontal.  

Round 29 - 36: sc around (24) 
Fasten off and leave a long tail so you can sew it to the base.

Handle part at side of machine
(Can you tell I don't really know a lot about sewing just yet?)
Round 1: sc 8 stitches into a magic ring. Pull closed.
Round 2: 2scinc around (16)
Round 3: 2scinc, 1 sc around (24)
Round 4: Sc around (24)
Round 5: Sc2tog, 1 sc (16)
Round 5: sc2tog around (8)

Sew onto the little hole left on the side of the sewing machine.

The Base part
Round 1: Ch 30 and join to form a ring
Round 2 - 30: sc around.

To give the base some stability cut a little bit of cardboard or plastic big enough to fit inside the base. Pop it in and sc along the open edges of the base to close.

The Front part
Round 1: Ch 6, 3scinc in second ch from hook, 3 sc, 5scinc in last, continue to work on the other side of the chain, 3 sc, 2scinc in last
Round 2: 2scinc, sc 4, 2scinc, 1 sc, 2scinc, 1 sc, 2scinc, sc 4
Round 3: 2scinc, 1 sc, 2scinc, 5 sc, 2scinc, 2 sc, , 2scinc 2 sc, 2scinc, sc 4
Round 4: 2scinc, sc 2, 2scinc, 6 sc, 2scinc, sc 3, 2scinc, sc 3, 2scinc, 5sc
Round 5: 2scinc, sc 3, 2scinc, sc 7, 2scinc, sc 4, 2scinc, sc 6
Round 6: Back Loops only: Sc around.

Now you should have all of you pieces. The sewing machine handle part should be stitched on to the machine and the base should be stuffed with cardboard and crocheted closed. Sew the 'front part' of the machine onto the front of the machine. Stuff the machine with stuffing and stitch it to the base part.

I'll pop some pictures up of the little details at a later stage but I used a real sewing needle for the machine needle. I just put some fabric glue onto the top and poked it through the stitches. For the little cotton reel I used a pencil and I just cut the end off. To secure it to the machine I used a sewing pin and fabric glue. I wrapped some embroidery floss around it and secured it with a bit of glue and threaded the other end through the needle. I used another pin to hold the floss to in that place to the left of the cotton and above the machine needle. I have no idea of the technical term for it that place but once I tidy the pattern up i'll find out and make sure to include it.

As I said before this is still a rough draft so there are bound to be errors but I promise i'l fix it all up soon.